Elements in the Stars

In this project, I researched several celestial bodies throughout the universe. For each body, I found out its chemical composition, location, stellar classification, and the emission spectrum of its most abundant chemical. This project relates to chemistry because celestial bodies are composed of several chemicals that react with one another. In addition, they emit different kinds of elements throughout their lifetime. I hope you enjoy my findings and learn something new!

Celestial Body List:

  1. Zeta Capricorni
  2. Alpheratz
  3. Pollux
  4. Mira
  5. Gineah Corvi (Gamma Corvi)
  6. Maia 
  7. SU Andromedae
  8. W Orionis
  9. La Superba
  10. Alphard
  11. V Aquilae
  12. Aldebaran
  13. Zeta Puppis
  14. Alpha Circini
  15. Eta Boötis

Outer space nebulae carina nebula. (n.d.). Retrieved September 30, 2015, from http://www.allwallpaper.in/outer-space-nebulae-carina-nebula-wallpaper-10734.html

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