Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Celestial Body Project Reflection

I discovered a lot of new information during the project we just finished. It is absolutely astounding to think how big the universe. As humans, we think Earth is huge. Yet, it is no comparison to our sun, much less the giant stars that burn farther out in the universe. It is also amazing that scientists have the technology that can reach several light-years in the universe to discover all the information we researched. It is all so unimaginable.

While finishing up with my project, I came across a couple videos that helped "click" all the information I found together (links below). In the first video, a man explains the meaning of all the stellar classification letters. While researching, I was able to find the stellar classifications easily. However, I never really knew what all the letter and numbers translated to. After watching the video, I was able to decipher what all the classification meant, which came in handy. Later on, I discovered another video that fully explains fusion within stars and how each star radiates different  elements and how atomic nuclei combine and form new elements in the star. I know now how the emission spectrum applies to the project. I feel even more educated on celestial bodies now that I have reinforced my learning with these videos and can see how they apply to chemistry.

Stellar Classification Video Link

Fusion in Stars Link

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