Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Beanium lab

Today, we performed the Beanium lab in Chemistry class. With a partner, we sorted a bag of different types of beans into groups with the similar looking beans to represent Beanium isotopes.
Next, we counted the number of each type of Beanium isotopes and recorded our data into the table provided to us by Mrs. Frankenberg. We then measured the total mass (g.) of all the atoms of each Beanium isotope with a balance and a small plastic cup. With this information, we were able to calculate the average mass (g.) of each isotope and the percent abundance of each isotope. Finally, we were able find out the overall average atomic mass of Beanium with all of our resulting data. This lab gave me a hands on experience that clearly and visually demonstrated the whole process of calculating the average atomic mass of an atom, allowing me to understand the whole process from a different perspective. Here are some pictures from the lab below:

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