Monday, November 23, 2015

Reactions that form water notes

Today in chemistry class, we took notes over reactions that form water. These reactions include an acid and a base, and the driving force is the production of water. A salt is also produced. For example:

Acids can be strong or weak and bases can be strong or weak.
Strong acids:
  • produce H+
  • protonate completely 
  • are strongest when oxygens outnumber the hydrogens by 2 or more
  • HCl, HBr, HI
Strong bases:
  • contain an -OH anion
  • completely disassociate
  • All group 1 and 2 metals cations plus an -OH anion are strongest
Weak acids and weak bases:
  • do not protonate completely
  • are not on the memorized list
Here is a link that further explains strong/weak acids and bases: ChemTeam
Here is a link to practice determining is an acid is strong or weak: about chemistry

Below is also a molecular, complete, and net force equation using strong acids and bases that we solved in class: 

1 comment:

  1. I like this post a lot, too, for the same reason; you summed it all up in a simple way, and it really helps clear up some confusion. This is a topic that I think I struggle with the most, so this helped me do just that. Thanks for including hand written examples, too!
