Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Percent Composition, Molecular Formulas, and Empirical Formulas

Today in class, we learned a lot of things. At first, I found the new concepts very easy, but as we continued, they got harder and harder. First, we practiced percent composition. I slightly remembered this from earlier in the school year, and remembered some of the steps as we were doing the questions. Below, I posted some practice questions that I can use while studying for the exam. Next, we learned about Molecular formulas vs. Empirical formulas. Molecular formulas can  be Empirical formulas if they can not be reduced any more. For example, the molecular formula of a compound may be P4O10 but the empirical formula would be P2O5. There are more practice problems below for those formulas and other practice quizzes for the questions we practiced with these formulas in class today. 

Percent Composition Link
Molecular and Empirical Practice
Calculate empirical formula with percent composition data given


  1. Great post Lily! I like the links you put in your post! I think they will be very helpful to understand empirical and molecular formula for the test!

  2. This post combined everything confusing that we learned in class over the past few days and summed it up perfectly. These links will be very helpful for the exam on Monday as well as your explanations. Erin said it as best as I could, thanks!

  3. Agreed with Kendall and Erin. I actually had the same first link on my blog because I really liked it! Thank you for including the second one as well, it really did sum everything up. Thanks Lilly!!!

  4. I agree that as we continued learning the concepts it got more and more confusing. The website links you have were very helpful though.

  5. This is definitely the most confusing material thus far we have learned in this class, I guess because we have no prior knowledge of this material. From your post I can now see the purpose of the empirical formula equation. The purpose is to technically simplify the molecular form into the most simplified form. The links you provided are very helpful as well in comprehending the new material, Thanks!
