Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Chemical Composition Notes

In class today, we took notes over chemical composition. I learned that a mole is a quantity of measurements and I was reminded that a mole is equivalent to 6.02 x 10^23 representative particles. Mrs. Frankenberg showed us how whole numbers tell us molar quantity in an equation. Here is an example that she showed us in class to demonstrate the concept:

2H2O -----> 2H2       +         O2
2 moles       2 moles           1 mole

Next, we practiced problems with moles, and she gave us a handy conversion chart to use while we calculate:

Below are examples we did together in class. Note that we still need to round to the correct number of significant numbers in the end.

Here are a couple websites with more practice problems for converting with moles:
Chemteam: grams to moles
Chemteam: moles to grams

1 comment:

  1. The links you had with the practice helped me memorize when to do what when converting.
