Monday, November 9, 2015

Hydrate Lab

In class today, my partner and I successfully passed the pre-lab quiz for the Hydrate lab. I was really nervous that I wouldn't pass, but was very relieved once Mrs. Frankenberg approved of our answers. After we got our safety goggles, my partner and I picked a station. My partner measured the mass of the test tube and we both recorded it in the data table (picture below). After about 2 cm of CuSO4 hydrate was placed in the test tube, we recorded the mass and heated the blue solution until is turned whiteish-gray, making sure that it did not burn. After that we measured it and heated it again to ensure that we evaporated all the water in the solution. Again, we measured its mass and filled in our data table. Then, Mrs. Frankenberg looked at our data and said it looked good. So, my partner and I cleaned up our lab. However, we made the mistake of cleaning our test tube with the anhydrous with water. It reacted and hardened, making it very hard to clean. Next time, we definitely won't add water and will just throw the ashes in that trash-bin!
Here are a couple pictures of that lab below:


  1. Lilly, thanks for sharing your experience of the hydrate lab :) My partner and I also had a very similar experience, because we too added water back to the anhydride, causing it to become stuck to the test tube. I agree with you- next time, I definitely won't make that mistake! Also, the picture of the lab that you included was really cool and was a nice one to summarize the whole process. The only thing I would suggest would just be to include a link to a website that would explain exactly how to do this lab, or maybe one that gave some information about hydrated compounds. Other than that, this post was very good.

  2. Lily, I could really connect with this post because my experience with this lab was very similar and your insights were very accurate. I too was extremely nervous about the prelab because the concepts from the day before did not register well with me and I did not think I had a firm grab on the concepts. Luckily, I passed and my lab experience was very comparable. I even made the same re-hydration mistake!
