Monday, January 25, 2016

Vitamin C Lab Day 1

     Today in class, my lab partner and I did part of the vitamin c lab. First, while waiting for the vitamin c lab standard solution to be made by another lab group, we filled up our different pipets with apple juice, pear juice, V8 juice, white grape juice, starch, and iodine. We made sure to keep the iodine dark and covered in tin foil to prevent it from decomposing. While performing the lab, on one round, we took 20 drops of the vitamin c standard solution and added three drops of starch to that. Then, we added drops of iodine, making sure to count all the drops, until the solution changed from clear to a dark blue. The dark blue color indicated the end of the reaction between the vitamin c and the iodine. We repeated this a few more times, switching out the vitamin c solution with the different juices. Here are some pictures from the lab:

Here is also a helpful website about our new unit:
Acid Base Link

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