Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Murder Investigation Lab

On Monday and today, my lab partner and I performed the Murder Investigation Lab. On Monday, we were given the clues to the murder with several suspects, each including their names and the molarities and the amounts of their possible murder weapons. We discovered that the weapon was most likely silver nitrate after solving a few chemical reactions on paper with the chemicals we would be given to test with on Wednesday.

Today, we performed the lab, only testing to silver nitrate with one of the solutions we were given, sodium carbonate, to check our prediction. Like we guessed, the silver nitrate and sodium carbonate did make crystals when they were mixed. We filtered the crystals and set them out to dry for us to weigh tomorrow. Once we know the mass of the crystals, we can convert it to moles and divide it by the total amount of solution it was mixed in to discover its concentration. Then we will compare the concentrations to the suspects' murder weapons to solve the mystery.

Below are some pictures from the lab:
Sodium Carbonate and Silver Nitrate mixed

Flask with funnel, filter, and solution

Leftover crystals in filter paper


  1. I think you did a great job of summarizing the Murder Investigation Lab in this post Lilly! I also like the inclusion of pictures that show how we did the lab.

  2. I really like your description of the lab and also the several pictures that really help someone visualize it if they didn't get to do the lab. Thanks :)
