Thursday, January 7, 2016

Mass Percentage, Molarity, and Concentrations of Ions

Today in chemistry class, we learned about mass percentage, morality, and concentrations of ions in solutions. First, we discussed mass percentage. Below is the equation of how to solve it:

A very important thing to remember is that the mass of the solution is not just the solvent, but the solute and the solvent combined. By knowing two parts of this equation, one is able to find the third when solving for the missing variable.

Next, we learned about Molarity. To find Molarity, you have to divide the moles of a solute by the Liters of solution.
Something to remember is that volume can change with temperature, so morality can also change with temperature. You can also manipulate this equation to find the different components within it if you have at least two of the variables. For example,

(Volume(L)) x mol/1L = mol

Lastly, we talked about concentrations of ions. With this, we use the Van't Hoff factor. This factor only applies to ionic compounds. To find the number of ions released in a compound, you must break the compound down. For example, sodium carbonate has a Van't Hoff factor of 3 since Na2CO3 -> 2Na+  +  CO3 2-. With this information, you can find the total ion concentration. 

Here are a couple websites to practice problems that relate to this lesson:

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