Monday, October 26, 2015

Quiz Relfection

Today we took a quiz over our measurement unit in class. I think I did okay. However, there were a few questions I wasn't too sure about, and I began to second guess myself. I especially doubted myself on multiplying, dividing, adding, and subtracting significant numbers. In  addition, I had trouble with a question asking about a pure substance. So, I went to find more practice questions online that combine multiplying/dividing and adding/subtracting with significant numbers, and a page explaining more about pure substances, elements, and compounds. I plan on looking back at these links as I study for our upcoming exam.

Chem Team: Elements and Compounds

Practice on Significant Numbers in Operations 

Practice Problems on Working with Significant Numbers


  1. Thanks you for sharing those links Lily! They are very helpful for practicing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of significant numbers and understanding pure substances.

  2. Wonderful links, Lilly! Thank you for sharing these. They will be very helpful for me to ensure that I totally understand the topics.
