Monday, February 29, 2016

Quantum Numbers

Last week, our chemistry class learned about quantum numbers. In the lecture, we were told that every atom is assigned a set of four quantum numbers. The first number is the principle quantum number. This number corresponds to the atom's principle energy level. The second number is the angular momentum quantum number. This digit represents the atom's final sublevel. The numbers are s=0,p=1,d=2,and f=3. Next, the third quantum number is the magnetic quantum number, which is determined on the last valence electron's placing on its orbital. This number can range from -3 to +3 when in a f sublevel. Finally, the last quantum number is the spin quantum number, which can either be -1/2 or +1/2. This is determined by knowing which direction the last valence electron in an atom faces (up or down on a chart). Below are examples:

Here are a couple links to help:


  1. Lily, this post was extremely helpful especially since I was a little confused during the lecture. The links you have as well are very helpful.

  2. The graphic and link on this post are incredibly helpful! Thank you! This really helped me understand the concept.
