Thursday, February 18, 2016

Flame Test

Today in class, we conducted the flame test. After passing a pre-lab that reviewed the lesson from yesterday, my partner and I went to the lab to start our experiment. We had various solutions and crystals, all of different metals. We took a wooden stick that soaked in the solutions and put it into a flame to see what color is produced. We also put crystals in the flame to see what color they made. With the color, we will be able to look at the light spectrum to find the metals wavelength. With this information, we will eventually be able to calculate the energy of one mole of photons for each various metal. Here are some pictures from the lab below:

1 comment:

  1. I feel like the flame test lab was one of the most fun labs that we had this year in class thus far. I really liked how you included the pictures of the lab, for it lets people in the class to get a greater understanding of what REALLY happened in the lab. You really did a good job describing the process of the lab, great job simplifying the instruction.
