Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Pre-test Reflection

Today in Chemistry class we completed the pre-test for our measurement unit. I did not know the majority of the concepts on the test. However, I think I will be able to perform all problems correctly once I know what certain terms mean and how to convert measurements. Two concepts that kept appearing on the test were significant figures and converting measurements, such as miles to km. Below, I found two measurement conversion charts that I can look back on when I study. One converts only length and the other converts a variety of measurements that will come in handy when I'm converting measurements for my Last Meal Project. In addition, I included a couple websites explaining what significant figures are and how to determine which digits are significant in a measurement. The second website also has practice problems for adding and subtracting significant figures.


Khan Academy Video Explaining Significant Figures 


  1. Lily, I really like your use of the metric conversion chart in this post! The chart is very helpful in dimensional analysis and putting numbers in the proper scientific notation. I found these conversions helpful in working on my Last Meal Conversion project as well!

  2. Lilly, the conversion pictures you included are super helpful to reference! Thank you for adding them. I will definitely refer to these as we continue the year.
