Friday, October 9, 2015

Aspirin Lab

Buchner Funnel
Set- up
The past two days, my lab partner and I synthesized aspirin. First, we successfully passed the pre-lab. Then we went back into the lab and collected our materials. We mixed Salicylic acid, Acetic anhydride, and Sulfuric acid in a Erlenmeyer flask. We were careful not to breath in the fumes. Next, we placed the flask in a hot bath for about 15 minutes and let it cool for 3 minutes. Sadly, while the solution was cooling, we accidentally let it tip over, and was left with about half of what we started with. Then, I carefully added ice cold water to decompose the excess Acetic anhydride and start recrystallization. Over night, the solution crystallized and we put them in a Buchner funnel with ice cold water the next day to remove any residual crystals. After this, we finished the lab by pulling out the left over crystals from the funnel on filter paper to dry on the lab counter. We will continue to use our product once we get back from fall break. Below are some pictures of the lab and equipment.
Crystals the next morning

Crystals the next morning
Ending Product

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