Wednesday, January 27, 2016

1st lesson

Today in class, we had our first lesson on our new unit: Acids and Bases. We first learned about the physical properties of acids and bases:

In addition to the picture above, acids feel sticky to the touch, like syrup.

Next, we discussed Arrhenius acids and bases. Arrhenius acids are acids that produce hydrogen ions in a solution. Arrhenius bases are bases that produce hydroxide ions in a solution. So, when put in a solution, the compound that they are a part of breaks apart and either increases the hydrogen or hydroxide concentration in the solution, depending on what is dissolved.

According to the pH scale, the lower the pH, the higher the hydrogen ion concentration in the solution. On the other hand, the higher the pH, the higher the hydroxide ion concentration.

We also learned about Bronsted- Lowery acids and bases. According to this definition, acids donate a proton and bases accept a proton. In B.L. definitions, we also have conjugate acids and bases. Acids produce conjugate bases and bases produce conjugate acids. You can see this in the picture below:

Here are a couple links to practice the new concepts we learned:
acid base quiz
acid and base quiz

1 comment:

  1. I really like this post Lilly! I found the links especially to be very helpful in practicing the topics you discussed between acids and bases.
