Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Post-Quiz #1 Reflection

Today, we took our first weekly quiz in our atomic structure and radioactivity unit. I believe that I did very well. However, there was a question that stumped me, involving the different scientists who studied atomic theory. On one question, it showed a picture of an atom and asked which scientist it corresponded with. The atom had a dashed line on the outer edge and contained a nucleus. So, I wasn't sure if it was Rutherford's model or the current atomic model (with the dashed line representing the cloud). Later, I researched the different models, and found that the answer was most likely Rutherford's model.

JJ Thompson's model

Current model
Rutherford's model

I think the cloud model will be more obvious on the next test, and I won't confuse the two models.
Here are a couple links that go into deeper depth talking about each of the scientists' theories. I plan on looking back at these links before our next test. 

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